Monday, May 20, 2013

Sabina Gets Major

I have now left my humble abode of G2 and entered into the New World. Here they have friends

Kings and Queens
Here's one on his throne
Here's one posing next to the small metal beast she just conquered 
All mighty rulers

Wise and all powerful. Here the locals have nick named him "brat" "kitty" "Ringo" "meow meow" and "stop it". He prefers to be called "Ragnar Crusher of Souls"


That we torture

And do bad, bad, naughty things to....

....Like smother in marshmallow goop and chocolate naughty

This tends to create faces like this

wooooorth itttttt

And then.....


But it's cool

We can still do this

And this

And this

And whatever this is


It's a good place in this place

I like it

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